LLVM, Low Level Virtual Machine, is a really cool compiler infrastructure project with many participants. The idea is that if you want to make a new high quality compiler you just have to generate LLVM code, and then there are lots of optimizations and code generators available to get fast code.
There are different ways to generate input to the LLVM tools. You can generate a text file with LLVM code and feed it to the tools, or you can use bindings for some programming language and programmatically build the LLVM code. The original bindings from the LLVM project is for C++, but they also provide C bindings. On top of the C bindings you can easily interface to other languages; for instance O'Caml and Haskell.
There are also diffent things you can do to LLVM code you have build programmatically. You can transform it, you can write to a file, you can run an interpreter on it, or execute it with a JIT compiler.
Haskell LLVM bindings
There is a Haskell binding to the LLVM. It has two layers. You can either work on the C API level and have ample opportunity to shoot your own limbs to pieces, or you can use the high level interface which is mostly safe.
Bryan O'Sullivan did all the hard work of taking the C header files and producing the corresponding Haskell FFI files. He also made a first stab at the high level interface, which I have since change a lot (for better or for worse).
An example
Let's do an example. We'll write the LLVM code for this function
f x y z = (x + y) * z
In Haskell this function is polymorphic, but when generating machine code we have to settle for a type. Let's pick
Int32. (The Haskell
Int type cannot be used in talking to LLVM; it doesn't a well defined size.) Here is how it looks:
mAddMul :: CodeGenModule (Function (Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> IO Int32))
mAddMul =
createFunction ExternalLinkage $ \ x y z -> do
t <- add x y
r <- mul t z
ret r
For comparison, the LLVM code in text for for this would be:
define i32 @_fun1(i32, i32, i32) {
%3 = add i32 %0, %1
%4 = mul i32 %3, %2
ret i32 %4
So what does the Haskell code say? The
mAddMul definition is something in the
CodeGenModule monad, and it generates a
Function of type
Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> IO Int32. That last is the type of
f above, except for that
IO. Why the
IO? The Haskell LLVM bindings forces all defined functions to return something in the IO monad, because there are no restriction on what can happen in the LLVM code; it might very well do IO. So to be on the safe side, there's always an IO on the type. If we know the function is harmless, we can use
unsafePerformIO to get rid of it.
So the code does a createFunction which does what the name suggests. The ExternalLinkage argument says that this function will be available outside the module it's in, the obvious opposite being InternalLinkage. Using InternalLinkage is like saying static on the top level in C. In this examples it doesn't really matter which we pick.
The function has three arguments x y z. The last argument to createFunction should be a lambda expression with the right number of arguments, i.e., the number of arguments should agree with the type. We the use monadic syntax to generate an add, mul, and ret instruction.
The code looks like assembly code, which is the level that LLVM is at. It's a somewhat peculiar assembly code, because it's on SSA (Static Single Assignment) form. More about that later.
So what can we do with this function? Well, we can generate machine code for it and call it.
main = do
addMul <- simpleFunction mAddMul
a <- addMul 2 3 4
print a
In this code
addMul has type
Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> IO Int32, so it has to be called in the IO monad. Since this is a pure function, we can make the type pure, i.e.,
Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32.
main = do
addMul <- simpleFunction mAddMul
let addMul' = unsafePurify addMul
print (addMul' 2 3 4)
unsafePurify functions is simply an extension of
unsafePerformIO that drops the IO on the result of a function.
So that was pretty easy. To make a function, just specify the LLVM code using the LLVM DSEL that the Haskell bindings provides.
No FP example is complete without the Fibonacci function, so here it is.
mFib :: CodeGenModule (Function (Word32 -> IO Word32))
mFib = do
fib <- newFunction ExternalLinkage
defineFunction fib $ \ arg -> do
-- Create the two basic blocks.
recurse <- newBasicBlock
exit <- newBasicBlock
-- Test if arg > 2
test <- icmp IntUGT arg (2::Word32)
condBr test recurse exit
-- Just return 1 if not > 2
defineBasicBlock exit
ret (1::Word32)
-- Recurse if > 2, using the cumbersome plus to add the results.
defineBasicBlock recurse
x1 <- sub arg (1::Word32)
fibx1 <- call fib x1
x2 <- sub arg (2::Word32)
fibx2 <- call fib x2
r <- add fibx1 fibx2
ret r
return fib
Instead of using
createFunction to create the function we're using
newFunction and
defineFunction. The former is a shorthand for the latter two together. But splitting making the function and actually defining it means that we can refer to the function before it's been defined. We need this since
fib is recursive.
Every instruction in the LLVM code belongs to a basic block. A basic block is a sequence of non-jump instructions (call is allowed in the LLVM) ending with some kind of jump. It is always entered at the top only. The top of each basic block can be thought of as a label that you can jump to, and those are the only places that you can jump to.
The code for fib starts with a test if the argument is Unsigned Greater Than 2. The condBr instruction branches to recurse if test is true otherwise to exit. To be able to refer to the two branch labels (i.e., basic blocks) before they are defined we create them with newBasicBlock and then later define them with defineBasicBlock. The defineBasicBlock simply starts a new basic block that runs to the next basic block start, or to the end of the function. The type system does not check that the basic block ends with a branch (I can't figure out how to do that without making the rest of the code more cumbersome).
In the false branch we simply return 1, and in the true branch we make the two usual recursive calls, add the results, and return the sum.
As you can see a few type annotations are necessary on constants. In my opinion they are quite annoying, because if you write anything different from ::Word32 in those annotations there will be a type error. This means that in principle the compiler has all the information, it's just too "stupid" to use it.
The performance you get from this Fibonacci function is decent, but in fact worse than GHC with -O2 gives. Even with full optimization turned on for the LLVM code it's still not as fast as GHC for this function.
[Edit: Added assembly] Here is the assembly code for Fibonacci. Note how there is only one recursive call. The other call has been transformed into a loop.
pushl %edi
pushl %esi
subl $4, %esp
movl 16(%esp), %esi
cmpl $2, %esi
jbe LBB1_4
movl $1, %edi
.align 4,0x90
leal -1(%esi), %eax
movl %eax, (%esp)
call _fib
addl %edi, %eax
addl $4294967294, %esi
cmpl $2, %esi
movl %eax, %edi
ja LBB1_2
addl $4, %esp
popl %esi
popl %edi
movl $1, %eax
jmp LBB1_3
Hello, World!
The code for printing "Hello, World!":
import Data.Word
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.ExecutionEngine
bldGreet :: CodeGenModule (Function (IO ()))
bldGreet = do
puts <- newNamedFunction ExternalLinkage "puts" :: TFunction (Ptr Word8 -> IO Word32)
greetz <- createStringNul "Hello, World!"
func <- createFunction ExternalLinkage $ do
tmp <- getElementPtr greetz (0::Word32, (0::Word32, ()))
call puts tmp -- Throw away return value.
ret ()
return func
main :: IO ()
main = do
greet <- simpleFunction bldGreet
To get access to the C function
puts we simply declare it and rely on the linker to link it in. The
greetz variable has type pointer to array of characters. So to get a pointer to the first character we have to use the rather complicated
getElementPtr instruction. See
FAQ about it.
Phi instructions
Let's do the following simple C function
int f(int x)
if (x < 0) x = -x;
return (x+1);
Let's try to write some corresponding LLVM code:
createFunction ExternalLinkage $ \ x -> do
xneg <- newBasicBlock
xpos <- newBasicBlock
t <- icmp IntSLT x (0::Int32)
condBr t xneg xpos
defineBasicBlock xneg
x' <- sub (0::Int32) x
br xpos
defineBasicBlock xpos
r1 <- add ??? (1::Int32)
ret r1
But what should we put at
???? When jumping from the
condBr the value is in
x, but when jumping from the negation block the value is in
x'. And this is how SSA works. Every instruction puts the value in a new "register", so this situation is unavoidable. This is why SSA (and thus LLVM) form has
phi instructions. This is a pseudo-instruction to tell the code generator what registers should be merged at the entry of a basic block. So the real code looks like this:
mAbs1 :: CodeGenModule (Function (Int32 -> IO Int32))
mAbs1 =
createFunction ExternalLinkage $ \ x -> do
top <- getCurrentBasicBlock
xneg <- newBasicBlock
xpos <- newBasicBlock
t <- icmp IntSLT x (0::Int32)
condBr t xneg xpos
defineBasicBlock xneg
x' <- sub (0::Int32) x
br xpos
defineBasicBlock xpos
r <- phi [(x, top), (x', xneg)]
r1 <- add r (1::Int32)
ret r1
phi instruction takes a list of registers to merge, and paired up with each register is the basic block that the jump comes from. Since the first basic block in a function is created implicitely we have to get it with
getCurrentBasicBlock which returns the current basic block.
If, like me, you have a perverse interest in the machine code that gets generated here is the optimized code for that function on for x86:
movl 4(%esp), %eax
movl %eax, %ecx
sarl $31, %ecx
addl %ecx, %eax
xorl %ecx, %eax
incl %eax
Note how the conditional jump has cleverly been replaced by some non-jumping instructions. I think this code is as good as it gets.
Loops and arrays
Let's do a some simple array code, the dot product of two vectors. The function takes a length and pointers to two vectors. It sums the elementwise product of the vectors. Here's the C code:
dotProd(unsigned int len, double *aPtr, double *bPtr)
unsigned int i;
double s;
s = 0;
for (i = 0; i != len; i++)
s += aPtr[i] * bPtr[i];
return s;
The corresponding LLVM code is much more complicated and has some new twists.
import Data.Word
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.ExecutionEngine
mDotProd :: CodeGenModule (Function (Word32 -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO Double))
mDotProd =
createFunction ExternalLinkage $ \ size aPtr bPtr -> do
top <- getCurrentBasicBlock
loop <- newBasicBlock
body <- newBasicBlock
exit <- newBasicBlock
-- Enter loop, must use a br since control flow joins at the loop bb.
br loop
-- The loop control.
defineBasicBlock loop
i <- phi [(valueOf (0 :: Word32), top)] -- i starts as 0, when entered from top bb
s <- phi [(valueOf 0, top)] -- s starts as 0, when entered from top bb
t <- icmp IntNE i size -- check for loop termination
condBr t body exit
-- Define the loop body
defineBasicBlock body
ap <- getElementPtr aPtr (i, ()) -- index into aPtr
bp <- getElementPtr bPtr (i, ()) -- index into bPtr
a <- load ap -- load element from a vector
b <- load bp -- load element from b vector
ab <- mul a b -- multiply them
s' <- add s ab -- accumulate sum
i' <- add i (valueOf (1 :: Word32)) -- Increment loop index
addPhiInputs i [(i', body)] -- Control flow reaches loop bb from body bb
addPhiInputs s [(s', body)]
br loop -- And loop
defineBasicBlock exit
ret (s :: Value Double) -- Return sum
main = do
ioDotProd <- simpleFunction mDotProd
let dotProd a b =
unsafePurify $
withArrayLen a $ \ aLen aPtr ->
withArrayLen b $ \ bLen bPtr ->
ioDotProd (fromIntegral (aLen `min` bLen)) aPtr bPtr
let a = [1,2,3]
b = [4,5,6]
print $ dotProd a b
print $ sum $ zipWith (*) a b
First we have to set up the looping machinery. There a four basic blocks involved: the implicit basic block that is created at the start of every function,
top; the top of the loop,
loop; the body of the loop,
body; and finally the block with the return from the function,
There are two "registers", the loop index i and the running sum s that arrive from two different basic blocks at the top of the loop. When entering the loop from the first time they should be 0. That's what the phi instruction specifies. The valueOf function simply turns a constant into an LLVM value. It's worth noting that the initial values for the two variables are constant rather than registers. The control flow also reached the basic block loop from the end of body, but we don't have the names of those registers in scope yet, so we can't put them in the phi instruction. Instead, we have to use addPhiInputs to add more phi inputs later (when the registers are in scope).
The most mysterious instruction in the LLVM is getElementPtr. It simply does address arithmetic, so it really does something quite simple. But it can perform several levels of address arithmetic when addressing through multilevel arrays and structs. In can take several indicies, but since here we simply want to add the index variable to a pointer the usage is pretty simple. Doing getElementPtr aPtr (i, ()) corresponds to aPtr + i in C.
To test this function we need pointers to two vectors. The FFI function withArrayLen temporarily allocates the vector and fills it with elements from the list.
The essential part of the function looks like this in optimized x86 code:
pxor %xmm0, %xmm0
xorl %esi, %esi
.align 4,0x90
movsd (%edx,%esi,8), %xmm1
mulsd (%ecx,%esi,8), %xmm1
incl %esi
cmpl %eax, %esi
addsd %xmm1, %xmm0
jne LBB1_2
Which is pretty good. Improving this would have to use SSD vector instructions. This is possible using the LLVM vector type, but I'll leave that for now.
The loop structure in
dotProd is pretty common, so we would like to abstract it out for reuse. The creation of basic blocks and phi instructions is rather fiddly so it would be nice to do this once and not worry about it again.
What are the parts of the loop? Well, let's just do a simple "for" loop that loops from a lower index (inclusive) to an upper index (exclusive) and executes the loop body for each iteration. So there should be three arguments to the loop function: lower bound, upper bound and loop body. What is the loop body? Since the LLVM is using SSA the loop body can't really update the loop state variables. Instead it's like a pure functional language where you have to express it as a state transformation. So the loop body will take the old state and return a new state. It's also useful to pass the loop index to the loop body. Now when we've introduced the notion of a loop state we also need to have an initial value for the loop state as an argument to the loop function.
Let's start out easy and let the state to be updated in the loop be a single value. In dotProd it's simply the running sum (s).
forLoop low high start incr = do
top <- getCurrentBasicBlock
loop <- newBasicBlock
body <- newBasicBlock
exit <- newBasicBlock
br loop
defineBasicBlock loop
i <- phi [(low, top)]
state <- phi [(start, top)]
t <- icmp IntNE i high
condBr t body exit
defineBasicBlock body
state' <- incr i state
i' <- add i (valueOf 1)
body' <- getCurrentBasicBlock
addPhiInputs i [(i', body')]
addPhiInputs state [(state', body')]
br loop
defineBasicBlock exit
return state
low and
high arguments are simply the loop bounds,
start is the start value for the loop state variable, and finally
incr is invoked in the loop body to get the new value for the state variable. Note that the
incr can contain new basic blocks so there's no guarantee we're in the same basic block after
incr has been called. That's why there is a call to
getCurrentBasicBlock before adding to the phi instructions.
So the original loop in dotProd can now be written
s <- forLoop 0 size 0 $ \ i s -> do
ap <- getElementPtr aPtr (i, ()) -- index into aPtr
bp <- getElementPtr bPtr (i, ()) -- index into bPtr
a <- load ap -- load element from a vector
b <- load bp -- load element from b vector
ab <- mul a b -- multiply them
s' <- add s ab -- accumulate sum
return s'
So that wasn't too bad. But what if the loop needs multiple state variables? Or none? The tricky bit is handling the phi instructions since the number of instructions needed depends on how many state variables we have. So let's creat a class for types that can be state variables. This way we can use tuples for multiple state variables. The class needs two methods, the generalization of
phi and the generalization of
class Phi a where
phis :: BasicBlock -> a -> CodeGenFunction r a
addPhis :: BasicBlock -> a -> a -> CodeGenFunction r ()
A simple instance is when we have no state variables.
instance Phi () where
phis _ _ = return ()
addPhis _ _ _ = return ()
We also need to handle the case with a single state variable. All LLVM values are encapsulated in the
Value type, so this is the one we create an instance for.
instance (IsFirstClass a) => Phi (Value a) where
phis bb a = do
a' <- phi [(a, bb)]
return a'
addPhis bb a a' = do
addPhiInputs a [(a', bb)]
Finally, here's the instance for pair. Other tuples can be done in the same way (or we could just use nested pairs).
instance (Phi a, Phi b) => Phi (a, b) where
phis bb (a, b) = do
a' <- phis bb a
b' <- phis bb b
return (a', b')
addPhis bb (a, b) (a', b') = do
addPhis bb a a'
addPhis bb b b'
Using this new class the looping function becomes
forLoop :: forall i a r . (Phi a, Num i, IsConst i, IsInteger i, IsFirstClass i) =>
Value i -> Value i -> a -> (Value i -> a -> CodeGenFunction r a) -> CodeGenFunction r a
forLoop low high start incr = do
top <- getCurrentBasicBlock
loop <- newBasicBlock
body <- newBasicBlock
exit <- newBasicBlock
br loop
defineBasicBlock loop
i <- phi [(low, top)]
vars <- phis top start
t <- icmp IntNE i high
condBr t body exit
defineBasicBlock body
vars' <- incr i vars
i' <- add i (valueOf 1 :: Value i)
body' <- getCurrentBasicBlock
addPhis body' vars vars'
addPhiInputs i [(i', body')]
br loop
defineBasicBlock exit
return vars
File operations
The Haskell bindings provide two convenient functions -
writeBitcodeToFile and
readBitcodeFromFile - for writing and reading modules in the LLVM binary format.
A simple example:
import Data.Int
import LLVM.Core
mIncr :: CodeGenModule (Function (Int32 -> IO Int32))
mIncr =
createNamedFunction ExternalLinkage "incr" $ \ x -> do
r <- add x (1 :: Int32)
ret r
main = do
m <- newModule
defineModule m mIncr
writeBitcodeToFile "incr.bc" m
Running this will produce the file
incr.bc which can be processed with the usual LLVM tools. E.g.
$ llvm-dis < incr.bc # to look at the LLVM code
$ opt -std-compile-opts incr.bc -f -o incrO.bc # run optimizer
$ llvm-dis < incrO.bc # to look at the optimized LLVM code
$ llc incrO.bc # generate assembly code
$ cat incrO.s # look at assembly code
Reading a module file is equally easy, but what can you do with a module you have read? It could contain anything. To extract things from a module there is a function
getModuleValues which returns a list of name-value pairs of all externally visible functions and global variables. The values all have type
ModuleValue. To convert a
ModuleValue to a regular
Value you have to use
castModuleValue. This is a safe conversion function that makes a dynamic type test to make sure the types match (think of
ModuleValue as
Dynamic and
castModuleValue as
Here's an example:
import Data.Int
import LLVM.Core
import LLVM.ExecutionEngine
main = do
m <- readBitcodeFromFile "incr.bc"
ee <- createModuleProviderForExistingModule m >>= createExecutionEngine
funcs <- getModuleValues m
let ioincr :: Function (Int32 -> IO Int32)
Just ioincr = lookup "incr" funcs >>= castModuleValue
incr = unsafePurify $ generateFunction ee ioincr
print (incr 41)
This post is getting rather long, so I'll let this be the last example for today.
Labels: Code generation, DSL, Haskell, LLVM